Proportion Calculator

Calculate Proportion


Simple Proportion Calculator

Simple proportion is a mathematical method that allows solving problems involving directly or inversely proportional quantities. For example, if 5 liters of juice yield 10 glasses, how many glasses can you get with 8 liters of juice? The simple proportion helps to find the answer in a simple and quick way.

To apply the simple proportion, you need to identify four related values, with one of them being unknown. These values should be organized in a table with two columns and two rows, leaving the unknown value represented by x. Then, perform a cross-multiplication between the values and isolate the unknown value.

The simple proportion can be direct or inverse. The direct simple proportion is used when the quantities are directly proportional, meaning that when one increases, the other also increases in the same proportion, or when one decreases, the other also decreases in the same proportion. The inverse simple proportion is used when the quantities are inversely proportional, meaning that when one increases, the other decreases in the same proportion, or when one decreases, the other increases in the same proportion.

To facilitate the calculation of simple proportion, there are online calculators that allow you to input the available data and get the result automatically. Some calculators also show the solution steps and the formula used.

How to calculate direct simple proportion?

To calculate direct simple proportion, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the two quantities involved in the problem and determine if they are directly proportional.
  2. Organize the four values related to each other in a table with two columns and two rows, leaving the unknown value represented by x.
  3. Perform a cross-multiplication between the values and equate the products.
  4. Isolate the unknown value x and solve the equation.

The formula for direct simple proportion is:

x = (b x c) / a

Where x is the unknown value, a and b are the values from the first row of the table, and c is the value from the second row of the table that is in the same column as x.

How to calculate inverse simple proportion?

To calculate inverse simple proportion, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the two quantities involved in the problem and determine if they are inversely proportional.
  2. Organize the four values related to each other in a table with two columns and two rows, leaving the unknown value represented by x.
  3. Perform a cross-multiplication between the values and equate the products.
  4. Isolate the unknown value x and solve the equation.

The formula for inverse simple proportion is:

x = (a x c) / b

Where x is the unknown value, a and b are the values from the first row of the table, and c is the value from the second row of the table that is in the same column as x.

What are directly proportional quantities?

Directly proportional quantities are those that vary in the same ratio, meaning that when one increases, the other also increases in the same proportion, or when one decreases, the other also decreases in the same proportion. For example, the price of a product and the quantity purchased are directly proportional, as buying more units results in a higher payment.

What are inversely proportional quantities?

Inversely proportional quantities are those that vary in the inverse ratio, meaning that when one increases, the other decreases in the same proportion, or when one decreases, the other increases in the same proportion. For example, travel time and average speed are inversely proportional, as higher speed results in less time needed to cover a certain distance.
