Cylinder Area Calculator

Calculate the area of the cylinder

The area of the cylinder is a measure of the surface of this geometric solid, which is formed by two parallel circular bases and a rectangular lateral surface. To find the area of the cylinder, we need to know the measurements of the base's radius and the cylinder's height. Let's learn the formulas to calculate each of these areas and see some examples and solved exercises. We will also present a cylinder area calculator that can facilitate your calculations. Follow along!

To calculate the base area of the cylinder, simply use the formula for the circle's area, which is πr², where π is a constant approximated by 3.14 and r is the base radius. As the cylinder has two identical bases, the total area of the bases is 2πr². To calculate the lateral area of the cylinder, we need to know the circumference's length of the base, which is 2πr, and multiply it by the height of the cylinder, which is h. So, the lateral area is 2πrh. Finally, to calculate the total area of the cylinder, we add the areas of the bases and the side, or by the formula 2πr² + 2πrh or 2πr(r + h).

Let's see an example of how to apply these formulas. Suppose we have a cylinder with a 3 cm radius and a height of 10 cm. What is its total area? Using the total area formula, we have:

  • π = 3.14
  • Total area = 2πr² + 2πrh
  • Total area = 2π · 3² + 2π · 3 · 10
  • Total area = 2π · 9 + 2π · 30
  • Total area = 18π + 60π
  • Total area = 78π cm²
  • Total area = 244.92 cm²

Therefore, the total area of the cylinder is approximately 244.92 cm².

If you want to simplify your calculations, you can use our cylinder area calculator. Just enter the values of the radius and height of the cylinder and click on "Calculate". The calculator will show the base, lateral, and total areas of the cylinder.

The cylinder area calculator is a useful tool to solve spatial geometry problems involving this solid. It can also help you better understand the formulas and concepts related to the area of the cylinder. We hope this article has been enlightening and that you have learned how to easily calculate the area of the cylinder.
