Percentage Calculator
A percentage is a way to express a ratio or a proportion between two values. For example, saying that 20% of the students in a class are girls means that for every 100 students, there are 20 girls. The percentage is a very useful concept in various situations, such as calculating discounts, interest, commissions, taxes, profits, etc.
To calculate a percentage, there are different formulas depending on the data available. Some of the most common formulas are:
- To calculate the percentage of a value, simply multiply this value by the percentage in decimal form. For example, to calculate 15% of 200, just do: 200 x 0.15 = 30.
- To calculate the value corresponding to a percentage, simply divide this value by the percentage in decimal form. For example, to find out which value is 25% of 300, just do: 300 / 0.25 = 1200.
- To calculate the percentage of one value in relation to another, simply divide the first value by the second and multiply by 100. For example, to calculate what percentage of 500 is 150, just do: (150 / 500) x 100 = 30%.
To make percentage calculation easier, there are online calculators that allow you to enter the available data and get the result automatically. Some calculators also show the solution steps and the formula used.
How to calculate the percentage of a value?
To calculate the percentage of a value, simply multiply this value by the percentage in decimal form. The formula is:
V = P x T
Where V is the percentage value, P is the percentage in decimal form and T is the total value.
How to calculate the value corresponding to a percentage?
To calculate the value corresponding to a percentage, simply divide this value by the percentage in decimal form. The formula is:
T = V / P
Where T is the total value, V is the percentage value and P is the percentage in decimal form.
How to calculate the percentage of one value in relation to another?
To calculate the percentage of one value in relation to another, simply divide the first value by the second and multiply by 100. The formula is:
P = (V / T) x 100
Where P is the percentage, V is the partial value and T is the total value.